Trump Campaign Operative Brandon Hall Convicted Of Election Fraud In Michigan

Trump Campaign operative Brandon Hall was convicted of 10 counts of election fraud. He now faces up to five years in prison.
The self-proclaimed blogger and “political junkie” was busted forging signatures on election petitions. Hall admitted forging the signatures in 2012 using different pens and using both hands to make the signatures look different.
He now faces a sentencing date on December 27th in 20th Circuit Court.
The Trump campaign operative did not take the stand during the trial.
Zachary Savage testified Hall came to his apartment the day before the signatures were due. Hall offered to pay him to help filling out the forms. He agreed and the two worked most of the night filling out the forms.
Savage also testified that he and Hall forged the petition signatures for judicial candidate Chris Houtaling. He described how he and Hall forged the signatures while Houtaling drove them to Lansing to drop off the petitions.
Savage did receive immunity from the Michigan AG in return for testifying against Hall.
Hall’s election fraud case made it to the Michigan Supreme Court in June when his defense attorneys argued he should be charged with misdemeanors instead of felonies. The high court overturned the Michigan Court of Appeals, maintaining Hall’s felony charges.
Brandon Hall has a criminal past. Hall stole money from a school fundraiser. As a result he was forced to resign from the Grand Haven School Board after he was convicted of embezzlement.
Hall ran for the Michigan House earlier this year. He finished third in the August GOP primary.
Hall then teamed up with Scott Hagerstrom and became an operative for the Trump campaign.
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