Bold Queens Foreclosure Defense

Bold Queens Foreclosure Defense! Call 917.426.5958

Bold Queens Foreclosure Defense That Brings Aggressive Queens Foreclosure Defense To A New Level MFI-Miami has created a bold Queens foreclosure defense team Queens county has ever seen! We have the only bold Queens foreclosure defense that works! We also have the boldest mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge any Wall Street lender […]

Aggressive Queens Foreclosure Defense

Aggressive Queens Foreclosure Defense That Works!

Aggressive Queens Foreclosure Defense That Brings Queens Foreclosure Defense To A New Level MFI-Miami has created the most aggressive Queens foreclosure defense team Queens county has ever seen! We are the only aggressive Queens foreclosure defense and mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge any Wall Street lender in a Queens or New York […]

Queens Foreclosures Skyrocket

Queens Foreclosures Skyrocket In First Quarter Of 2019

Queens Foreclosures Skyrocket In First Three Months of 2019 Queens Foreclosures Skyrocket! should be the headline of a recent report by Property Shark. Property Shark found that Queens is seeing a spike in foreclosures. Southeast Queens neighborhoods seem to be the hardest hit. PropertyShark recently released their Residential Foreclosure Report for Q1 2019. New York City […]

SCAM ALERT: Queens Reverse Mortgages

SCAM ALERT! Lenders Are Pulling A Scam With Queens Reverse Mortgages. What You Need To Know! It seems like Reverse Mortgage servicing companies are pulling a fast one on unsuspecting seniors with Queens Reverse Mortgages. They are showing no shame in doing it either.  Reverse mortgages are great because they give seniors who are house […]

Queens Foreclosures

Stopping Queens Foreclosures

Stopping Queens Foreclosures With New York’s Produce the Note Law Foreclosure Laws In New York Make Fighting Queens Foreclosures Easy For the Right Team! New York law makes fighting Queens foreclosures easier than most states. Furthermore, state law ensures that the foreclosing party has the correct documents in place. New York law requires that the […]

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