Reagan Appointed Federal Judge Upholds MERS Tax Dodging Scheme In Michigan

Reagan Appointed Federal Judge Upholds MERS Tax Dodging Scheme In Michigan On Friday, Judge Robert Holmes Bell dismissed Ingham County Register of Deeds Curtis Hertel’s lawsuit seeking unpaid Michigan Real Estate Transfer Taxes on property being transferred in and out of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac with the use of the MERS database system. Holmes ruled […]

JPMorgan Chase

Michigan Supreme Court Rules $3.75 Billion Of JPMorgan Chase Held Mortgages Are Voidable

Court Rules Unrecorded Mortgages JPMorgan Chase Received Through The FDIC Receivership Of WaMu Are Voidable On the Friday before Christmas, while the media was focused on the funerals of the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre and pre-Christmas retail sales figures, the Michigan Supreme Court quietly handed down a significant ruling that will affect nearly […]

beat my foreclosure

MI Supreme Court To Hear JPM’s “Break The Chain” Appeal

JP Morgan Chase Wants MI Supreme Court To Decide If  “Operation of Law” Applies To Loans Acquired From The FDIC Last month, the MI Supreme Court accepted an appeal by JPMorgan Chase. The bank wants the Supreme Court to hear Kim v. J.P. Morgan Chase.   In January, the Michigan Court of Appeals shot down […]

Michigan Court of Appeals Lectures JPMorgan Chase

Michigan Court of Appeals Rules JPMorgan Chase Loans Acquired From The FDIC Must Be Recorded. The Michigan Court of Appeals handed down a second ruling about the chain of ownership regarding mortgages and notes. This ruling takes Davenport v. HSBC to the next level. The Justices called for a strict interpretation of a Michigan law. […]

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