Why Wasn’t Jamie Dimon Given The Bum’s Rush By The NY Fed?

Like A Party Guest That Won’t Leave, Jamie Dimon Finally Leaves New York Fed Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Six months after being shown the door, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has finally left the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. In May, a fierce debate erupted within the NY Fed about […]

MFI-Miami Rips DOJ’s Fraud Claims Against Diane Hathaway

It’s Highly Unlikely Diane Hathaway Defrauded ING Direct Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami To paraphrase the late George Burns, politics like show business can be a hideous bitch goddess and places like the Michigan Supreme Court that were once considered a refuge from the visceral blood sport of politics are no longer immune.   Even with Michigan’s constitutionally […]

versace mansion

¡Ay, Caramba! Saga of The Versace Mansion Turning Into Telenovela

Versace Mansion Cast Includes A Tycoon, a Ponzi Schemer, Jordache Jeans Maker and a German Bank Casa Casuarina aka the Versace Mansion is the former home of the late fashion guru, Gianni Versace. Verccase was gunned down at it’s main gate in 1997, is embroiled in a controversy over who is entitled to foreclose and receive the […]

Homeowner Tax Cut Extended In “Fiscal Cliff” Deal

Forgiven mortgage debt excluded from taxable income In Fiscal Cliff Deal Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Members of Congress actually did something to help distressed homeowners for a change.  As part of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 aka the “Fiscal Cliff” bill, distressed homeowners will not be required to include forgiven debt as part of their […]

Michigan Homeowners Face Stealth Tax Increase Thanks To A DINO And The GOP

Majority Of Michigan Homeowners Will Face Stealth Tax Increase With Lose Their Homestead Tax Credits In 2013 Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Back in the Spring of 2011, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder with help from his Republican friends in the state legislature and former DINO (Democrat-In-Name-Only) Michigan House Speaker turned State Treasurer, Andy Dillon, overhauled the way the […]

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