Negative Equity Alert

Negative Equity Alert! Homeowners Have Lost $108.4 Billion

Negative Equity Alert As US Homeowners Lose $108.4 BILLION In Equity This Year Alone. 200,000 Homeowners At Risk Of Going ‘Underwater’ MFI-Miami has issued a Negative Equity Alert! Why? Homeowners are sitting on a negative equity timebomb. US home values have dropped a whopping $108.4 billion in 2023 alone. The average borrower saw their home […]

mortgage application fraud

Mortgage Application Fraud Skyrocketing By Double Digits

Core Logic Says Mortgage Application Fraud Has Skyrocketed By 12.4% In the Past Year  Core Logic has issued their new Mortgage Fraud Report and it’s not looking good. The report states there has been a 12.4% increase in mortgage application fraud since the second quarter of 2017. This is the highest increase in seven years according to […]

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