Wells Fargo axes

Wells Fargo Bank Axes Another 13 Branches In A Single Week

Wells Fargo Bank Axes Another 13 Branches In A Single Week As A Host Of Banks Shut Down Vital Services Wells Fargo Bank axes another 13 bank branches last last week. Five other banks filed to close almost 27 branches last week. Thus, leaving millions of Americans without access to vital financial services. Wells Fargo […]

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice Files $1B Lawsuit Against Bank

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice Files $1 Billion Lawsuit Against His Bank For Predatory Lending Scheme West Virginia Governor Jim Justice has filed a $1 billion lawsuit against Carter Bank and Trust. He accuses the lender of trapping his family businesses in a ‘predatory’ loan scheme. Justice filed the federal lawsuit last week. It names both […]

miami fraudster Caroline Weiss

Miami Fraudster Caroline Weiss Stiffs Lawyer Out Of $1.64 Million

Fantasies About Appearing Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous Are Over For Miami Fraudster Caroline Weiss. Her Lawyer Michael Schlesinger Says She Owes Him $1.64 Million. Miami fraudster Caroline Weiss can kiss any chance of her being profiled on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous good-bye. Why? Well, she couldn’t delivering her pipe dream to […]

American Housing Timebomb

The American Housing Time Bomb!

The American Housing Time Bomb! 20% Of US Homeowners Are Struggling To Keep Up With Their Mortgage Payments Is the American housing time bomb about to go off? 20% of US homeowners are struggling to afford their mortgage payments as a result of rising living costs. That equates to 11 million Americans. Research agency Opinium […]

Veterans are facing foreclosure

Veterans Are Facing Foreclosure By The Thousands

Veterans Are Facing Foreclosure By The Thousands And It’s Not Their Fault. The VA Could Help But Where Are They? American military veterans are facing foreclosure by the thousands. Here is one such story about how the VA is failing our veterans facing foreclosure. Ray Queen and his wife, Becky live on a small farm […]

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