Bankrupt Financial Guru Robert Kiyosaki Coming To Tell Gullible People How To Be Rich

Robert Kiyosaki Is Smart Because Oprah Says He Is Robert Kiyosaki, author of the bestselling “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” series, is bringing his version of Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show to the South Florida on a two-day five stop tour to tell the masses of how to become rich in real estate. Yes, that’s right you can learn how […]

trayvon martin

Want Justice For Trayvon Martin? Quit Complaining And Boycott Orlando Theme Parks

When Florida Loses Tax Revenue Because Of Trayvon Martin, The Legislature Will Act The acquittal of George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin has brought hundreds of thousands of people to the streets across America. They are launching peaceful protests of what is one of the greatest injustices out of the American South. These […]

Michigan Needs To Ban Adverse Possession Squatting Like Florida

Banning Adverse Possession Squatting In Detroit Would Make It Easier To Clean Up Late last year, a squatter named Andre “Loki Boy” Barbosa occupied a multi-million dollar home in Boca Raton, Florida claiming that the laws of Boca Raton and the United States didn’t apply to him. He and friends began posting notices on the front of the house […]

Disney World Allows Black Market Disabled Guides To Help Wealthy Patrons Bypass Lines

Disney World Guides Get Over $1000 A Day In Cash For Posing As Disabled Family Members Tara Palmeri at the New York Post wrote a great piece yesterday about how a company in Orlando, Florida matches wealthy Wall Street types wanting to visit Disney World with a  disabled person that will pretend to be a […]

MFI-Miami Rips DOJ’s Fraud Claims Against Diane Hathaway

It’s Highly Unlikely Diane Hathaway Defrauded ING Direct Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami To paraphrase the late George Burns, politics like show business can be a hideous bitch goddess and places like the Michigan Supreme Court that were once considered a refuge from the visceral blood sport of politics are no longer immune.   Even with Michigan’s constitutionally […]

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