bank of america alert

Bank Of America Alert: Can Bank of America Validate Your Mortgage?

Bank of America Alert! Can Bank of America Validate Your Mortgage Debt And/Or Prove Standing? Probably Not! MFI-Miami has issued a Bank of America Alert. You need to get in touch with our Bank Of America foreclosure defense team immediately. The team’s focus is solely on helping homeowners develop strategies to fight Bank of America!  […]


Amtrak Shakes Down 2 Disabled Riders For $25,000

Taxpayer Subsidized Amtrak Shakes Down Two Disabled Passengers For $25,000 For $16 Ride  Struggling rail carrier Amtrak attempted to charge two disabled passengers more than $25,000 for a $16 single ride to Bloomington, Illinois from Chicago. Amtrak claimed the accommodation would require them to take seats out of one of their railcars. Now, the question […]

michigan state university FCU

Jesus Freaks Hack Michigan State University FCU Steal $2.3 Million

Bible Thumping Hacker Steals $2.3 Million From Michigan State University FCU. Money Went To Nigerian Mega Church Michigan State University FCU was hacked by an overzealous follower of Jesus. The hacker managed to get access to 2300 Visa debit card numbers. Consequently, the money went to Loveworld TV. Michigan Media is reporting that Loveworld TV […]

european housing market

European Housing Market Is Heading Into A Crash

European Housing Market Could Be Heading For A Crash Of Epic Proportions Thanks To Negative Interest Rates  It appears the European housing market is heading toward the perfect storm of a collapse. The European Central Bank has initiated negative interest rates and it is causing property values to skyrocket. This is coupled with high rates […]

mortgage fraud expert witness

Mortgage Fraud Expert Witness Services From MFI-Miami

MFI-Miami Offers Mortgage Compliance And Mortgage Fraud Expert Witness Services For Homeowners In Foreclosure MFI-Miami CEO Steve Dibert offers mortgage fraud expert witness services to lawyers and to pro-se homeowners in foreclosure. Steve Dibert has testified or sat for depositions in foreclosure cases in five different states. Those states include Connecticut and Florida. As well […]

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