Russian Mafia Did It! I swear.

  The Russian Mafia Did It! I swear. Homeowners Stuck If Their Refinance Money Is Stolen During A Wire Transfer Back in August, I posted a story about how a title company in suburban Denver claimed the Russian Mafia hacked a wire transfer for $277,000 when they transferred funds to JPMorgan Chase to pay off […]

Steve Dibert

Steve Dibert was quoted in an awesome piece in Der Spiegel

If Deutsche Bank didn’t know who Steve Dibert was, they sure do now. MFI-Miami CEO Steve Dibert was quoted in a great piece in Der Spiegel about Deutsche Bank called America’s Foreclosure King: How the United States Became a PR Disaster for Deutsche Bank by two fantastic German journalists, Christoph Pauly and Thomas Schulz Steve Dibert […]

How To Explain Foreclosure To Your Children

How To Explain Foreclosure To Your Children Who Are Traumatized By The Situation Losing a home to foreclosure is a nightmare for adults, but for children it can take an emotional toll that lasts a lifetime. According to RealtyTrac, the number of U.S. homes taken over by banks jumped 35 percent in the first quarter […]

Bank of America

BofA Attempted To Take The Home Of An Elderly Couple

BofA Attempted To Take The Home OF An Elderly Handicapped Couple “They (banks) had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.” –FDR October 31, 1936 About a year […]

BBC Interviews Beth Jacobson And Features An MFI-Miami Report

The BBC Did an Interview with Our Friend Beth Jacobson About A Case We Both Worked On Below is an interview Beth Jacobson and I did with Matthew Price with the BBC about Baltimore Ghetto Loans. Beth Jacobson worked for Wells Fargo – one of the largest banks in the US – for nine years. […]

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