Beware Of Fake Private Eye Bill Hagler! Don’t Be A Victim! He Has Taken Thousands Of Dollars From His Victims

Who is fake private eye Bill Hagler? He is one of the thousands of people who migrate to Florida every year to escape their shady past.
Unfortunately, for Hagler and many others, their past comes back to haunt them. In other words, you can run but you can’t hide. The internet has made hiding almost impossible.
Bill Hagler promotes himself throughout Palm Beach County as a licensed private investigator. He also claims to be a retired bounty hunter with 20+ years experience. Only problem is, he’s not.
He even admitted to me in a text conversation he was not. In addition, he claimed he was waiting for the Florida Department of Agriculture to approve his license. However, this also turned out not to be true. He has no application on file with the Florida Department of Agriculture.
Hagler Is A Convicted Fraudster
In May 1993, Hagler was convicted of multiple counts of credit card fraud in North Carolina. This would bar him from getting a Private Investigator license in North Carolina and in Florida. So, it’s highly unlikely he has a career as a bounty hunter.
In 2013, Hagler was booked into the Brunswick County jail on two felony counts for impersonating a private investigator.
North Carolina investigators received information that Hagler was soliciting “clients” at the Brunswick County Courthouse. In one instance, Hagler allegedly agreed to trade investigative services in exchange for the man to repair Hagler’s car. Investigators say that in another incident Hagler charged a man $6,000 “for doing the same thing you and I can do with Google.”
North Carolina Private Protective Services Board issued a permanent restraining order against Hagler. The state of North Carolina barred Hagler for life from soliciting and advertising PI services. In addition, the order bars him from presenting, participating or advertising in the private investigating field.
Bill Hagler Starts Soliciting Clients In Palm Beach County, Florida
As a result of North Carolina putting him on notice Hagler began soliciting clients in Palm Beach County, Florida. Hagler has also operated under at least a dozen aliases.
It is unknown if Hagler actually resides in Florida or if he still resides in North Carolina. His last known address is in Fayetteville, North Carolina and he also uses his 910 area code phone number.
He represented several deep pocketed and desperate people and charged them tens of thousands of dollars.
Last year, it appears he helped a woman with previous criminal problems re-open her child custody case.
In November 2021, Sarah O’Shea claimed on Facebook that she retained Hagler to help her track down her son. Her custody case began nearly 20 years ago and her son who is now an adult obviously wanted nothing to do with her.
If you are victim of Bill Hagler, contact the Florida Association of Licensed Investigators today! They will forward your complaint to a Florida Department of Agriculture Investigator.
Heidi Kiernan 12:57:45 pm October 24, 2022
Why is my photo on this article? I cannot stand this scammer, who has stolen from me and scammed my family. This is a very old photo that was in a newspaper article from Australia. If you need a better photo, there’s a great one from Oak Island Newspaper with his mug shot on it. I’m happy to send it to you. Just please remove my photo.