Detroit Land Bank Owned Properties Used As Distribution Points For Drug And Sex Trafficking To Posh Suburbs
Many people in Detroit have never heard of the Detroit Land Bank. The few people that have heard of it have only heard about it from the demolition scandal from two years ago.
The Detroit Land Bank basically buys homes from the county no one wants at a tax auction.
The Land Bank then demolishes the house or sells the property to real estate investors. The Detroit Land Bank’s inventory is made up of abandoned homes. Most of which have been vacant for decades.
The Detroit Land Bank is supposed to secure these properties. They are also supposed to maintain them. However, that very rarely happens.
Many of these properties become havens for neighborhood drug addicts and drug dealers.
One property is less than a quarter mile south of 8 Mile. 8 Mile is also the northern boundary of Detroit and it borders both suburban counties of Oakland and Macomb.
Drug Trafficking At Detroit Land Bank Owned 20187 Yacama

20187 Yacama serves as a great location for drug trafficking. The house is abandoned and boarded up. This means law enforcement can’t see what is going on in the inside.
The property is also strategically placed for drug and sex trafficking throughout Metro-Detroit.
It’s a quarter-mile south of 8 Mile and two blocks west of Interstate 75. According to the Wayne County Register of Deeds, the county handed the property over to the Detroit Land Bank in 2015. However, the property does not show up on the Land Bank’s inventory.
The Wayne County Register of Deeds indicates the property has been abandoned since the late 1990s.
Meet Scrapper The K-Mart Of Detroit Drug Dealers

John Miles aka Scrapper lives across the street at 20186 Yacama. He shares the house with a clinical social worker named Brittany Miles. It is unknown if Brittany is his wife, daughter or sister. Brittany Miles also works at a drug treatment center according to her Facebook profile. This may explain where Scrapper gets his drugs came from.
John Miles also has an MHSHDA mortgage on the house. MHSHDA mortgages are mortgages insured by the state of Michigan and are given to low-income people who don’t qualify for a conventional mortgage.
It is unknown what Miles used as income to qualify for the loan since he apparently doesn’t work.
Scrapper uses 20187 Yacama has his base of operation in the event he gets a visit from the Detroit Police.
Scrapper is known as the K-Mart of drug dealers because he sells crack cocaine at $5.00 a rock. He also has discount prices on illegal obtained Xanax at $7.50-$10.00. He also sells Suboxone inside 20187 Yacama for the low price of $10.00-$15.00 a pill.

Scrapper tends to deal mostly in Crack and Xanax. Apparently, he faces less jail time if he gets caught dealing in Crack and Xanax compared to opioids like Suboxone and Heroin.
Scrapper Takes Payments In A Variety Of Ways
Scrapper will extend credit to his regulars and then usually settle for 30-50 cents on the dollar. He’ll even settle the debt with oral sex or sexual intercourse if you’re a cute white girl from the suburbs.
Scrapper even takes gift cards from restaurants and stores as payment based on 30%-50% of card’s face value.
He ate like a king over the holidays, thanks to the naive parents of millennial addicts who gave their sons or daughters gift cards for the holidays thinking their kid’s drug dealers only took cash.
Scrapper has also been utilizing another Detroit Land Bank property to traffic Crack and Xanax. He is using a house two doors down at 20200 Yacama to traffic drugs.
Detroit Land Bank Owned 20187 Yacama Used By Other Drug Dealers In The Neighborhood

20187 Yacama is also conveniently behind another drug dealer’s home at 20236 Irvington. There are two drug dealers there. One named Denis and the other is “G”. Dennis and G appear to be squatters. This house is also owned by the Detroit Land Bank according to the Wayne County Register of Deeds.
Denis and G allow their regular customers to come to their front door at 20236 Irvington. However, they utilize 20187 Yacama for people they don’t know and customers they don’t trust. They will have someone like habitual drug addicts run through the alley behind the houses away from the watchful eye of the Detroit Police.
Denis and G are a little more adventurous when it comes to drugs. They will sell suboxone and 8-balls of heroin for relatively low prices of $10.00. Like Scrapper, they’re not afraid to trade merchandise for sex from the pretty little white girls from the suburbs.
Dennis and G regularly host felons on probation at 20236 Irvington like Antoine Maybin aka Slick and Daniel Emmondorfer.
Maybin was picked up for writing bogus checks on February 1st and is now sitting in the Macomb County Jail.
From The Detroit Land Bank Property To Hazel Park And Beyond
These three drug dealers peddling highly addicted drugs 0ut of 20187 Yacama know addicts like will do anything for their fix. They will steal and lie to get money for drugs. The women will also hustle and prostitute themselves for a fix.
Drug addicts will also try to trade or upsell the drugs for as little as $5.00 or $10.00. All for the purpose of feeding their fix.
Usually, addicts will buy drugs from dealers like Scrapper, Dennis, and G then take the drugs home into Oakland County or Macomb County and try to resell them with a mark-up or trade with other addict friends.
Daniel McCleary and his on and off girlfriend do this as well. They will sell, trade, or offer sexual services for more expensive drugs in the basement of McCleary’s mother Susan McCleary’s house at 107 W. Milton in the bordering city of Hazel Park. The two of them will have sex with men and women in the basement of McCleary’s mother’s house for crack and heroin.
McCleary and his on and off girlfriend attempted to trade cheap crack cocaine for more expensive Suboxone on Facebook on January 15th with a guy named LJ Smith (see above). As you can see from the Facebook Messenger conversation, McCleary’s girlfriend enticed Smith to come to McCleary’s house to do the trade.
Sex Trafficking To Pay For Drugs

Denis and G don’t mind pimping out the little white girls who owe them money to men in the suburbs.
They also don’t mind pimping the ladies out to suburban johns to help the ladies to buy drugs exclusively from them.
This is exactly what happened on Sunday, January 13, 2019.
Denis allegedly transported the 27-year old addict and another woman to the home of convicted felon and sex offender, John David Niemiec at 53016 Bellamine Drive, Shelby Township 20 miles north of Detroit.
According to one woman who was there, Niemiec allegedly paid Denis for cocaine and for the sexual services of women.
Niemiec also allegedly took the women to a local Meijers store to buy them clothes and make-up he wanted them to wear around the house.
Niemiec was found guilty of sexually assaulting a former girlfriend’s two daughters who were under the age of 13. The conviction was upheld by the Michigan Court of Appeals. He was released from a 10-year prison just before Christmas 2018.
Niemiec currently works at Flex-N-Gate in Detroit.
Detroit Drug Dealers Aren’t The Sharpest Tools In The Shed
After observing these Detroit drug dealers over two months, one thing is clear. They are not very smart.
First, they allow cute little white drug addicts into their inner circle. They become intoxicated by the cuteness and assume they can control girls like her by plying them with platitudes while at the same time making the girls dependant on them for drugs.
However, cute little white girls have big egos, and their crack addiction amps up their egos. Girls like this become very narcissistic, erratic, and unpredictable once they become addicted to crack and heroin.
On top of it, these girls are used to getting what they want and like other drug addicts, they can be very manipulative.
Their decision-making ability also becomes severely impaired when using heroin or crack cocaine. Egos, manipulativeness and impaired judgment from crack and heroin can lead these types of girls to have explosive and violent tantrums that can engulf the people around them. They’re also the first ones throw you under the bus if they get busted.
Young white girls also attract a lot of attention from law enforcement. Especially in ghetto neighborhoods filled with bombed-out abandoned homes. This makes these little white girls an easy target to track by law enforcement.
These drug dealers also don’t seem to ask very many questions when these little white girls bring strangers around. Especially, middle-aged white guys in black cars with out-of-state license plates.
These idiots also don’t seem to understand the concept of wire fraud. Denis attempted to collect payment for drugs on his RapidPay Debit Card on January 17th.
This is really stupid considering electronic bank transactions involving drug transactions are considered wire fraud. This puts their drug trafficking under the jurisdiction of the federal government not the state of Michigan.
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