Red Neck Sex Offender Sentenced To 40 Years In Prison For Plot To Bomb Target Stores To Manipulate Stock Price
Half-wit sex offender Mark Charles Barnett is going to federal prison for to 40 years. A federal jury in Central Florida found guilty of attempted arson and making unregistered destructive devices on July 27, 2018.
Barnett offered a confidential source $10,000 to place homemade bombs inside Target stores along the east coast. The convicted sex offender had theorized that the company’s stock would plunge after the explosions, allowing him to cheaply acquire shares of Target stock before an eventual rebound in prices.
Barnett told the confidential source:
If someone has to die so that I can make some money, so be it.
Barnett purchased the bomb components and assembled at least 10 of the destructive devices. He disguised the devices as common grocery items.
Barnett delivered the devices to the confidential source. The convicted sex offender than instructed the confidential source to put them on the shelves of Target stores from New York to Florida. The confidential source ratted him out and immediately surrendered the destructive devices to authorities. As a result, Barnett was arrested on February 14, 2017.
Federal explosives experts determined explosions from the devices would have caused serious damage and death.
Authorities raided Barnett’s house in central Florida. They discovered pictures of the grocery items that he had turned into bombs on his cell phone and laptop. They also found leftover bomb components and articles describing stock options.
A Florida Court found Barnett guilty of 6 counts of sexual battery with force. He was released from state prison in 2013.
The convicted sex offender has had multiple felony convictions for sexual assault and kidnapping.
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