Frank Rosemberg Tried To Scam An Elderly Woman With Alzheimer’s Out Of Her Home Then He Came Back And Coerced $85,000 From Her Family

Frank Rosemberg tried to buy an elderly Mary McQuiller’s home on the cheap while she was alive and suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. Rosemberg then managed to walk away with $85,000 of her money when she died.
He pulled this off by working a sweetheart deal with the Public Administrator’s Office.
As part of the deal, Mary McQuiller’s half-million dollar Fort Greene building was auctioned off. A huge chunk of the proceeds went to RCF Capital. A company owned by Frank Rosemberg. Rosemberg originally tried to buy the property for a mere $175,000.
Mary’s son Sam McQuiller ran a struggling air-conditioning repair shop in the building. He told the NY Post at the time:
Frank Rosemberg Tries To Scam A Woman With Alzheimer’s Disease

This bizarre saga began in January 2004. Mary McQuiller, who was 81 and already diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease tried to take out a second mortgage with Rosemberg’s company, RCF Capital.
Former associates of Rosemberg say he gave McQuiller the “Queen For A Day” treatment on Jan. 20, 2004. RCF sent her a limo and whisked her away to a lawyer’s office on Staten Island. McQuiller agreed to sell the property to RCF for $175,000 nearly half it’s value.
Consequently, Sam McQuiller intervened when he heard what his mother did. He then tore up the contract and demanded Rosemberg also do the same.
Frank Rosemberg faxed a letter to Closing Attorney John Caminiti saying he was deep-sixing the deal on May 26th:
“This is an official confirmation that we are canceling the contract on the above property,”
Enter The Public Administrator

Two months later the sale suddenly came back to life. Rosenberg heard Mary McQuiller’s Alzheimer’s Disease had worsened and was dying. Rosemberg also learned Mary McQuiller did not have a will. Consequently, he sued her to enforce the sale contract and claim the building.
The Public Administrator initially fought the suit but inexplicably signed off on a deal. Rosemberg would withdraw his claim and the PA would auction the property with $85,000 earmarked for Rosemberg.
The Public Administrator also put money aside for Sam McQuiller’s debts to his previous attorneys.
Sam McQuiller’s attorney, Ravi Batra compared Rosemberg to mugger:
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