Colin Schmitt Is A New Breed Of Cryptic Nazi Politician Who Pals Around With Bestiality Enthusiasts, Bigots, And Perverts

Colin Schmitt is the Republican candidate running for the NYS Assembly in the 99th District. He showed up on our radar when he began appearing on WTBQ earlier this year.
Schmitt frequently promotes his platform that calls for depriving thousands of Jewish children the right to clean drinking water. He has even pledged to cut off Kiryas Joel’s access to the New York aquifer system.
This cryptic Nazi millennial has made weekly appearances on Frank Truatt’s morning show since he began planning his campaign against James Skoufis earlier this year. Schmitt has also made numerous appearances on Allstate Insurance Agent Dan Castricone’s Thursday afternoon show.
You better get up to speed and fast if you don’t know anything about Colin Schmitt. Schmitt is a new breed of xenophobic politicians that are climbing the ranks in the GOP. Colin Schmitt is someone that needs to be stopped and stopped immediately.
Some of the biggest and craziest scumbags in New York GOP politics have mentored Colin Schmitt.
Carl Paladino whose campaign for governor in 2010 embarrassed everyone in the New York GOP is one of Schmitt’s mentors. Colin Schmitt has also been mentored by some of the Hudson Valley’s most notorious Republicans politicians.
Colin Schmitt Palled Around With Bestiality Enthusiast Carl Paladino
Colin Schmitt created the political action committee New Dawn PAC in 2010 at age 19. Schmitt created it as a way to promote the platform of New York Gubernatorial Candidate Carl Paladino. Schmitt also played a key role in Paladino’s campaign. As a result, Paladino endorsed Schmitt Paladino GOP primary for the NYS Assembly in 2012. Paladino wrote:
“He is the type of refreshing leader that will shake Albany to its core”

Paladino is now known as Donald Trump’s presidential campaign advisor. However, Carl Paladino was more than that in a previous life.
Paladino was the embarrassing racist business owner who ran for governor in 2010.
The Tea Party Christian values candidate will be remembered for two things in that race, Paladino’s bigotry as well as for Paladino’s affection for bestiality porn.
Paladino liked sending out racist and disturbing pornographic emails to other politicians and school employees while on the Buffalo School Board.
The racist emails targeting President Obama contained such videos as “Proof the Irish discovered Africa” with a video of monkeys doing a Riverdance-style jig.
Paladino also passed around another video from a Neo-Nazi website of African tribesmen dancing titled “Obama Inauguration Rehearsal.”
Paladino fired up the racist language again this past April when Paladino referred to President Obama as a raccoon at a Trump rally.
Carl Paladino also appears to be a connoisseur of bestiality porn. Paladino passed around videos of women having sexual congress with a horse.
This pervert also went on a homophobic rant at the end of his gubernatorial campaign. Paladino told a group of Rabbis:
Colin Schmitt Also Palled Around with Paranoid Immigrant Basher Greg Ball
Colin Schmitt went to work for former NYS Senator Greg Ball after Paladino’s campaign went down in flames.
Greg Ball distinguished himself in the legislature as being a xenophobic basher of immigrants and for his mentally unstable behavior and paranoia.

Ball insisted unknown goat assassins were pursuing him.
Before Bell left office in 2014, he introduced a bill that would ban killer whales in the state of New York. The Village Voice points out:
Ball allegedly plagiarized the bill from an op-ed written by a 17-year old high school student that appeared in the Huffington Post.
Greg Ball did not seek re-election in 2014 because he was being investigated for public corruption. The Moreland Commission accused Bell of using $23,000 in campaign funds for personal use.
Greg Ball also sent $8,023 to Goldfishbrain LLC according to Politico. Politico states:
“A Twitter account with the name Goldfishbrain LLC and the handle @mygoldfishbrain provides a link to This URL redirects to the website for Black Stone Global, The consulting firm Ball founded after leaving office. Goldfishbrain’s Google Plus account links to the same page.”
Greg Ball used public corruption as one of the cornerstones of his political career. Greg Ball faced two options. He could resign or face public backlash.
Colin Schmitt Hung Out With Jew Basher & Cryptic Nazi Dan Castricone
Colin Schmitt found another political ally in Allstate Insurance Agent Dan Castricone. Castricone uses his 30-minute paid airtime on WTBQ to spew cryptic Nazi venom about Hasidic Jews. Schmitt is a semi-regular on Castricone’s radio show and has filled in for him on occasion. The two discuss politics and Kiryas Joel.

Castricone along with his friends at United Monroe oppose the expansion of the Hasidic village of Kiryas Joel. Hence, Castricone and United Monroe often use phrases like “preserving our way of life,” and “preserving our cultural identity.”
Sound familiar? Nazi propagandists used this kind of rhetoric in the 1930s.
Castricone and United Monroe also engaged in Nazi-style bullying and smear tactics against local politicians by posting conspiracy theories on social media against anyone who opposed them. United Monroe would also make unsubstantiated accusations of voter fraud and kickback schemes against political enemies of Castricone.
Castricone also began alienating himself from GOP leadership in 2014 when he ran on the United Monroe “ticket” for NYS Assembly after losing the GOP primary a month earlier.
Dan Castricone siphoned off so many GOP voters as a 3rd party candidate in the general election that he almost handed a historically solid GOP seat to a Democrat. As a result, Castricone alienated himself from GOP leadership. GOP leadership began privately referring to Castricone as “Castri-clown.”
Castricone hatched a plan to unseat Congressman Sean Patrick in the 2016 general election. Castricone’s plan called cranking up the anti-Semitic rhetoric against Kiryas Joel and mobilizing United Monroe.
Dan Castricone was denied an endorsement by the 18th District Republican Executive Committee in March. GOP Leadership cited Castricone’s bigoted rhetoric and involvement in United Monroe for the rejection.
Colin Schmitt Is Buddies With Amateur Pornographer & Penis Flasher Bob Krahulik
Former Orange County GOP Chairman Bob Krahulik was also an influence on Colin Schmitt. Bob Krahulik was an amateur pornographer. He was forced to resign after it was exposed to the public.

Middle-aged Krahulik blasted out pictures of his penis to the 20-something-year-old friends of his then 26-year-old ex-girlfriend on social media.
Krahulik’s ex-girlfriend added fuel to the fire when she posted the pictures on social media. She included this caption with the posts:
Krahulik admitted to posting pictures of his penis on social media. As a result of the admission, Krahulik resigned as Chairman. The bald pervert told the Orange County GOP Leadership Committee in 2014:
This wannabe Glenn Quagmire has been attempting to rebuild his shattered legal practice since the incident. Krahulik also began buying 30 minutes of airtime on WTBQ to repair his political reputation. Krahulik hoped his show would make people forget his sordid past as a flasher. However, Krahulik hasn’t figured out that the internet never forgets one’s past as a sexual deviant.
GGG 0:25:40 am August 1, 2016
you are a douch