Bank of America Denies Existence of Alleged No Girls Club Or Bro’s Club Among Its Top Executives And Managers
Megan Messina accuses BofA of treating women like second-class citizens and that the bank’s leadership is a No Girls Club or Bro’s Club.
BofA filed a response rejecting most of Messina’s allegations in the lawsuit. However, BofA denied the existence of a Bro’s Club.
BofA alleges Messina uses the inflammatory term, “Bro’s Club” in her suit at the behest of her lawyers. BofA also states the term was never used by her supervisor or other managers and was invented by Messina and her lawyers.
Messina was hired by BofA in 2007. Messina was then promoted to a managing director in 2011. Messina sued the bank in May alleging she was treated like second-class citizens. Messina alleges that senior positions at Bank of America are a No Girls Club. She also states she was paid substantially less than her male counterparts.
Is It A No Girls Club or A Bro’s Club At BofA?
Messina alleges that her male supervisor made it clear she wasn’t welcome in his No Girls Club or Bro’s Club. Messina alleges he would consistently exclude her from e-mails, meetings, dinners and get-togethers with the 10 men he oversaw.
Messina claims her bonus for 2015 was 70% less compared to her male colleagues. Messina’s lawyers argue this is “an astonishing difference” for the work that was as a team. Messina is seeking unspecified compensatory and punitive damages. She is also seeking an order barring the bank from discriminating and retaliating against her.
Messina also accused BofA of lying to customers and manipulating prices. Messina claims when she complained about the “unlawful practice she was placed on forced leave and barred from returning to her office.
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