Corporate Welfare Recipients Want Detroit Park To Have “Commonwealth” Status With It’s Own Laws, Currency & Tax Code
Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami
Ayn Rand having a cigarette while collecting Medicare for lung cancer
A group of “free enterprise” activists have hatched an idea to buy an island park nestled on the Detroit River long the U.S.-Canadian border named Belle Isle from the City of Detroit for $1 Billion. Inspired by the philosophies of Ayn Rand, the chain smoking author who preached the benefits of an anarcho-capitalist free market system while collecting public assistance for her lung cancer, supporters hope to transform the 982 acre island park into a 35,000 person free-market city-state with it’s own laws, currency, customs and tax code.
This idea of a libertarian fantasy island is the brainchild of Ayn Rand enthusiast, Rodney Lockwood, Jr., a developer of government subsidized housing for seniors. Supporters of the plan, most of whom made their fortunes as recipients of corporate welfare from either the state of Michigan and/or the federal government want to buy the island for $1 Billion and claim the concept of the Belle Isle Commonwealth, as it is being named,“champions freedom and opportunity”
Supporters include retired Chrysler President Hal Sperlich, who rode along with Lee Iacocca to Washington, D.C. on September 7, 1979 with hat in hand to beg the Carter Administration and the U.S. Congress for an unprecedented government bailout of $1.5 billion ($4,756,632,231 in today’s dollars) and Clark Durant, co-founder of Detroit’s Cornerstone Schools, a multi-million dollar charter school system that is essentially a private school that receives tax money from the state of Michigan. Groups involved in the plan include the glorified Ayn Rand fan club, the Mackinac Center for Public Policy who receives funding from the Koch Brothers, the Wal-mart heirs, Michigan Pyramid Marketing Pioneers, the VanAndel family and Lockwood who, as a board member of the Mackinac Center, openly admits to using tax subsidies and government loans for his development projects.
After reading the proposal on the website, it sounds like the plan was hatched after the concept’s creator, Lockwood read Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” and The Fountainhead one too many times and began believing everything he read in those books as fact and not some piece of dystopian fiction. He even wants to name the currency, “The Rand” which will be based 100% on commodities. What Lockwood and his boosters don’t come out and say is that they want to turn Belle Isle into is an Americanized version of the British tax havens of Jersey, Guernsey or the Isle of Man which are known to be havens for tax cheats and money launderers. Below is taken directly from the website they will be unveiling on January 21st:
So in other words, what they want to do is create a exclusive country club for select Plutocrats who made their money from corporate welfare they received from taxpayers and who now don’t want to pay taxes on the money they made from those very same taxpayers. Oh, and let’s not forget they also want help foreign billionaires launder money.
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