Michigan GOP Official Claims NRA Friendly Kid Killing Gun Law Is A Good Thing

The tragic massacre of 20 elementary school children and 8 adults in Connecticut today by gunman Adam Lanza coincidentally comes days after the Republican-led Michigan Legislature passed a bill that would make it legal to carry a concealed weapon into a schools or churches.  The bill also loosened requirements to purchase a handgun and took control of issuing permits from local sheriffs departments by giving it to the state.   The Michigan House and Senate passed a set of bills that mirror the Connecticut laws that Adam Lanza was able to take advantage.

A staffer for the Michigan Republican Party who grew up in Emmet County and who wished to remain anonymous because he didn’t have authorization to speak from the Communications Director, Matt Frendewey said,

 “Look, first off, gun control is for Wimps and Commies. If one of those teachers was packin’ a .45 this would have ended very differently.  Besides, carrying a firearm is every Americans right.  How else do you expect to stop evil doers or when Obama marches into Michigan with the UN Army?”

The Michigan House Republicans were attempting to do damage control today in the aftermath of the shooting.  Ari Adler Press Secretary for the GOP Caucus begged people not to “exploit” this tragedy for political purposes.  He posted the following statement on the caucas Facebook Page saying essentially,”Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”.:

Regarding the school shooting in Connecticut, our first concern is thinking about the families and the tragedy they have suffered at the hands of a criminal bent on spreading evil.

What happened in Connecticut, however, is not because of nor related in any way to actions taken by the Michigan House yesterday in approving Senate Bill 59.

In response to outreach from media and Michigan citizens, let me provide some background on the bill and why we have caucus members who supported it:

Under the proposed law, Michigan will have the most highly trained concealed carry licensees in the nation. In addition, statistics show that in a mass shooting incident, the average death toll is higher when civilians have to wait for police to arrive. In situations where a citizen with a concealed pistol is involved as a potential victim, the number of deaths is lower on average. Therefore, having well-trained individuals with the freedom to carry a concealed pistol may be considered a public safety asset that could act as a deterrent against such shootings or, if an evil criminal does strike, may prove to serve as protection for innocent bystanders.

It is the belief of many representatives in our caucus that it is criminals who have no intention of following any law that are the perpetrators of such heinous crimes as school shootings. Strict gun-control laws do not stop criminals from committing evil acts, they merely infringe on the rights of law-abiding citizens who might be able to take action against evil if given the chance.

Regardless of where anyone stands on the gun-rights debate, however, we will encourage everyone to try to refrain from politicizing the tragedy in Connecticut. The House Republican Caucus does not wish to limit debate on our Facebook page. However, any posts considered to be against our standards of decorum or violating rules regarding political statements may be removed. 

~ Ari B. Adler
Press Secretary and Interim Communications Director
House Republican Caucus

It should be noted that this statement was later removed because as Ari Adler pointed out, “…ended up turning too much toward the legislation

So in other words, the GOP doesn’t want to people asking questions about how the legislation was rammed through the legislature and are trying to hide behind a tragedy that could in all reality happening in Michigan because of this legislation.

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