Total Student Loan Debt Could Buy Every House on Market Twice Over

Total Student Loan Debt Of $1.5 Trillion Is So High It Could Buy Every House on The U.S. Market Twice Over Total student loan debt in the United States has reached $1.5 trillion. It’s now at a new all-time high according to a new study by  That has realtors and housing experts concerned. Real […]

Student Loan Debt

Student Loan Debt Crisis: Millennials Are Leaving The US In Droves

Millennials Are Leaving The US In Droves As A Solution For The Student Loan Debt Crisis  Some student-loan borrowers have fled the US as a solution to the student loan debt crisis.  A report on CNBC says millennials are fleeing the United States for better job prospects and so creditors can’t pursue them. One borrower […]

student loan debt alert

Student Loan Debt Alert: Feds Crank Up Collection Efforts

Student Loan Debt Alert: US Treasury Collected $6.2 Billion In Student Loan Debt In 18 Months MFI-Miami has issued this student loan debt alert because your Uncle Sam is calling in your student loan debt. The Trump administration is doing everything in its power to collect from you. It is unknown if Trump plans on […]

higher university tuition

Higher University Tuition Costs Are Driving Millennials Overseas

Higher University Tuition Costs Are Driving Students To Schools Overseas Where Tuition Ranges From Free To 30% Of American Universities Higher university tuition and student loan costs are forcing American students to study abroad. University tuition has skyrocketed in the United States over the past 20 years. University tuition in the United States averages roughly $10,000 to […]

student loan debt relief

Student Loan Debt Relief: SCAM ALERT

Fraudulent Student Loan Debt Relief Companies Are Preying On The Most Vulnerable Student Borrowers A NerdWallet investigation has found fraudulent student loan debt relief companies are preying on the most vulnerable with student loans. Federal agencies dispute who’s to blame and what to do. The CFPB and the Federal Trade Commission have closed only seven […]

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