facebook alert

FACEBOOK ALERT! Major Real Estate Broker Severs Ties With Facebook

FACEBOOK ALERT! Major California Real Estate Broker Severs Ties With Facebook Over Zuckerberg’s Refusal To Reign In Racism  It appears this won’t be the last Facebook Alert I post. It seems as if more companies and individuals are walking away from marketing on Facebook. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who is […]

facebook marketing

Facebook Marketing: 5 Reasons Why Facebook Marketing Sucks!

Five Reasons Why Facebook Marketing Sucks And Why You Should Quit Wasting Time And Money On It Let’s face it. Facebook marketing is a waste of time and money. Facebook has become a Frankenstein’s monster. So, is it time to commit Facebook Harakiri? Facebook Harakiri is when you kill your Facebook account and end your […]

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