NYSUT Endorses Misogynistic Pervert For NYS Assembly In The 98th District

NYSUTThe New York State Unified Teachers or NYSUT has endorsed John Allegro for the New York State Assembly. Allegro has also received the endorsement of the Monroe-Woodbury Teachers Association. 

NYSUT and MWTA announced their endorsements after MFI-Miami posted a disturbing video of John Allegro asking a woman to rub his anus. Allegro is also seen in the video gleefully mocking the woman’s Asian accent by responding to her questions with comments about his anus. He then begins speaking to her in Pidgin English. 

John Allegro posted the video to his private Youtube channel and began passing it around to his political buddies. MFI-Miami received the video from a source at the Orange County Executive’s Office. 

NYSUT must appreciate Allegro’s bigoted toilet humor regarding middle-aged misogynists soliciting rectal massages from women. NYSUT and MWTA knew about the video and endorsed Allegro anyway. Why would these two groups knowingly endorse someone who records himself mocking and degrading an Asian woman?

Allegro is running as a Republican in the 98th District. The United Monroe leader faces off against incumbent Assemblymen Karl Brabenec in the September 13th GOP primary. 

Allegro had also planned on running on the United Monroe ticket in November. However, that now appears to be in jeopardy. Brabenec was able to beat Allegro to the Elections Office in Albany to file under the name “United Monroe”.

Allegro along with Emily Convers has led United Monroe since it’s inception in 2013. United Monroe has come under fire since its inception for its use of cryptic Nazi rhetoric and Jew bashing. 


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