T. Boone Pickens Tries To Stop Publication Of Son’s Tell-All Book About Abuse And Whippings


The late Joan Crawford who is known more abusing her children than she is for her acting thanks to the movie, "Mommy Dearest"
The late Joan Crawford who is known more for abusing her children than she is for her acting thanks to the movie, “Mommy Dearest”
T. Boone Pickens sues his son over tell all book
Mike Boone the son of T. Boone Pickens accuses Boone of giving him the Joan Crawford treatment








Teri Buhl, TeriBuhl.com

Texas oil millionaire T. Boone Pickens is trying to use the Dallas state courts to squash his son’s first amendment rights after Mike Pickens wrote a tell-all blog about the famed hedge fund manager’s troubling family dynamics. The blog titled 5 days in Connecticut posted ‘my story’ which centers on how 85-year old Boone’s emotional abuse caused his 55-year old son’s drug and alcohol abuse along with a litany of other alleged facts going back to childhood whippings. In the original compliant Boone first tried to call Mike’s actions Cyber-bullying/ Cyber-harassment but the actual legal claim that was filed was invasion of privacy and common law defamation. Texas doesn’t actually have Cyber-bullying laws for adult online speech but that didn’t stop Caleb Melby, Forbes staff writer, to headline a story last month that Boone was suing for Cyber-bullying.

Read more at TeriBuhl.com

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