scra foreclosure

Retired Marine Prevails In SCRA Foreclosure Battle

Disabled US Marine Jacob McGreevey Finally Prevails In 8 Year SCRA Foreclosure Battle With PHH Mortgage Disabled Marine veteran Jacob McGreevey has finally won his SCRA Foreclosure case against PHH. McGreevey is not only getting justice for himself but for as many as two-dozen other military veterans. The former Marine fought a long and unsuccessful […]

PHH Raises White Flag In The Fight With The CFPB

PHH Raises White Flag With CFPB In Fight Over CFPB’s Constitutionality PHH raises the white flag and will not pursue the case to the Supreme Court. The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled last year to uphold the constitutionality of the CFPB. Therefore, the ruling will stand as the law of the land. According to multiple outlets, the May 1st deadline […]

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Declared Constitutional

Court of Appeals Reverses Earlier Decision Declares Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Constitutional  The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia reversed their October 2016 decision that declared the leadership structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau unconstitutional. The original decision vacated a $100 million fine levied by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau against PHH Corporation. A three-judge panel heard […]

PHH Mortgage

NYDFS Slaps PHH Mortgage With $119,000 Fine For One Property

NYDFS Investigation Found PHH Mortgage Failed To Maintain Single Foreclosed Property New York has issued its first fine under its new Zombie Home Law. The lucky recipient is PHH Mortgage. The state of New York enacted the laws in 2016 to address the state’s issues with zombie homes. New York requires lenders and mortgage servicers to report […]


Disabled US Marine Takes On PHH Mortgage And Trump Administration

Disabled US Marine Jacob McGreevey Fights PHH Mortgage And Their Trump Allies In Washington To Reclaim His Illegally Foreclosed Home PHH Mortgage apparently had no idea how badly they screwed the pooch with one single decision in 2010. In that one moment, some nameless manager at PHH Mortgage made the decision to foreclose on Jacob McGreevey. The McGreevey foreclosure would come back to haunt PHH Mortgage. The foreclosure […]

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