judicial candidate Leonore Greller

Broward County Judicial Candidate Leonore Greller Pens Nutso Rant

Broward County Judicial Candidate Leonore Greller Pens Nutso Rant Filled With Diarrhea Of Fonts And Colors Broward County Judicial Candidate Leonore Greller just doesn’t know when to shut up. Very few people would know about her involvement with a loan modification scam in 2009 if she would shut up about it. But, no Greller has to […]

Israeli Loan Modification Scam Operators Plead Guilty

Israeli Loan Modification Scam Operators Plead Guilty To Targeting Elderly People In Poor Health A father and son team of Israeli loan modification scam operators pleaded guilty to scamming old people in poor health. Herzel Meiri and his son, Amir pled guilty Tuesday to conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud. Federal prosecutors allege […]

Long Island Veteran Wins Foreclosure Case Against Wells Fargo

Long Island Veteran Wins Foreclosure Case Because Of Wells Fargo Lawyers Missing Deadline A Long Island veteran and his wife won their 12-year battle with Wells Fargo. The appellate division of the state Supreme Court threw out the foreclosure case against them. The court ruled Wells Fargo and MBS trust who allegedly held the note missed New […]

Leonore Greller

Judicial Candidate Leonore Greller Faces Ethical Concerns

Broward County Judicial Candidate Leonore Greller Faces Scrutiny Over Past Ties To Loan Modification Scam Broward County Judicial Candidate Leonore Greller has figured out that the internet never forgets thanks to Buddy Nevins at Broward Beat. Especially if you were once in the crosshairs of MFI-Miami. The story begins in 2009 when I operated a sister […]

Foreclosure Tsunami

Foreclosure Tsunami Hits New York State

Foreclosure Tsunami Hits New York State As 2017 Foreclosures Are 200% Higher Than 2010 New York is facing a foreclosure tsunami. However, foreclosure across the United States are at an 11-year low. New York seems to buck the trend. ATTOM Data Solutions released its Year-End 2017 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report. The report shows foreclosure filings […]

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