suburban detroit mortgage broker

Suburban Detroit Mortgage Broker Accused Of Defrauding The IRS

Suburban Detroit Mortgage Broker Todd Marra Accused Of Defrauding The IRS. IRS Alleges He Illegally Diverted $1.6 Million In Income. A federal grand jury indicted suburban Detroit mortgage broker Todd A. Marra with conspiring to defraud the United States. They also charged him with filing false income tax returns. According to the indictment states Marra […]

Tampa Pastor

Tampa Pastor To Spend 57 Months Clutching Soap In Prison

Tampa Pastor Luckner Stimphil And His Daughter Get 57 Months Of Slammer Time For $11 Million Tax Fraud Tampa Pastor Luckner Stimphil was sentenced to 57 months in federal prison. Stimphil pleaded guilty for conspiracy to defraud the IRS out of $11 million. The Tampa Pastor’s daughter, Elwolfine Dufort was sentenced to two years in […]

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