Laura Ingraham

Right-Wing Racist Laura Ingraham bounced $42,000 check

Racist Pundit Laura Ingraham Bounced $42,000 Check To Associated Press Trying To Save Floundering LifeZette The Associated Press is suing right-wing racist pundit Laura Ingraham for nearly $50,000. Laura Ingraham allegedly bounced a large check meant to cover unpaid licensing fees and lost revenue to AP. Ingraham’s fake news site LifeZette agreed to a year-long […]

Tina Turner

Tina Turner Does To America What She Did To Ike…She Splits

Tina Turner To Become A Swiss Miss. Is It To Avoid Taxes? Tina Turner is renouncing her U.S. citizenship in order to become a citizen of Switzerland. Turner has been living on shores of Lake Zurich since 1995. Turner’s longtime partner, German record executive Erwin Bach, was transferred there. According to AP, Turner told German […]

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