Long Island Foreclosures Require Aggressive Long Island Foreclosure Defense
Only the most aggressive Long Island foreclosure defense can stop Long Island foreclosures.
Have you been served with a foreclosure summons and complaint from the New York Supreme Court? MFI-Miami may be able to help you stay in your home. MFI-Miami is taking Long Island foreclosure defense to the next level in order to fight for you.
We are the only foreclosure review experts with the strength to challenge any mortgage lender in Long Island. How do we know this? Because we have the track record to prove it.
MFI-Miami has successfully challenged arrogant foreclosure mill lawyers and brought mortgage lenders to their knees. MFI-Miami CEO Steve Dibert has also fought to keep 9/11 First Responders in their homes. Furthermore, he has stopped lenders from discriminating against people of African and Caribbean descent across Long Island.
In addition, MFI-Miami also has access to forensic accountants and former FBI agents. MFI-Miami can also call on mortgage compliance experts and collateralized debt experts we can call on if needed.
As a result, this gives MFI-Miami unparalleled strength to challenge any mortgage lender in any Long Island courtroom. We bring Long Island foreclosure defense to a new level!
We bring Long Island foreclosure defense to a new level!
MFI-Miami has helped hundreds of people in Long Island successfully fight their foreclosures. Steve Dibert has also helped MFI-Miami clients secure over $750 million in principal write-downs and discharged mortgages since 2008.
MFI-Miami also proudly works with Schwarz Foreclosure Defense. John Schwarz is one of the most respected foreclosure attorneys in Long Island. John Schwarz has also helped keep thousands of Long Island homeowners stay in their homes.
Feel free to call us at 888.737.6344
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