Foreclosure Gadfly Lisa Epstein Will You Please Go Now!
Are you wondering what happened in the race for Palm County Clerk of the Court? The fine voters of Palm Beach County gave experienced public servant, Sharon Bock, a mandate. Bock received 86,957 votes (76.31%). They rejected foreclosure gadfly Lisa Epstein by only giving her 27,001 votes (23.69%). Epstein is the owner and operator of the website Foreclosure Hamlet.
Epstein basically embarrassed herself and her followers. Additionally, she also embarrassed her high profile supporters like Yves Smith and Neil Barofsky.
Epstein also may want to consider going back into nursing or finding a day job. Her political humiliation has done irreparable damage to her credibility. She openly admits she is an unemployed nurse. She also openly admits she has no experience in mortgage lending, finance or the law.
Epstein also had business ties to confessed mortgage fraudster, Carol Asbury. This defeat is also the handwriting on the wall for her future in foreclosure defense. in addition, it does damage to her as an activist leader. How will she lead now?
Lisa Epstein Is Like A Dr. Suess Character

In 1974, Dr. Suess and Washington Post Columnist Art Buchwald had gotten into an argument about Richard Nixon. Buchwald observed that Dr. Suess had never written a political book.
Dr. Suess being Dr. Suess replied by sending Art Buchwald a copy of his book, “Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now” with Marvin K. Mooney’s name crossed out and replaced with Richard Nixon’s name.
It’s time to dust off an old copy of “Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now” and do the same with Lisa Epstein’s name.
It may be considered rubbing salt into the wounds of a damaged ego but it’s time for her to move on just like it was time for Nixon to move on in 1974.
Lisa Epstein Will You Please Go Now!
The time has come.
The time is now.
Just go.
I don’t care how.
You can go by foot.
You can go by cow.
Lisa Epstein will you please go now!
You can go on skates.
You can go on skis.
Please go.
I don’t care.
You can go
By bike.
If you like.
If you like
You can go
In an old blue shoe.
Just go, go, GO!
Please do, do, do, DO!
Lisa Epstein
I don’t care how.
Lisa Epstein
Will you please
You can go on stilts.
You can go by fish.
If you wish.
If you wish
You may go
By lion’s tale.
Or stamp yourself
And go by mail.
Lisa Epstein
Don’t you know
The time has come
To go, go, GO!
Get on your way!
Please Lisa!
You might like going in a Zumble-Zay.
You can go by balloon . . .
Or broomstick.
You can go by camel
In a bureau drawer.
You can go by bumble-boat
. . . or jet.
I don’t care how you go.
Just get!
Lisa Epstein!
I don’t care how.
Lisa Epstein
Will you please
I said
I meant . . .
The time had come
So . . .
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