My Loan Modification Application Keeps Getting Rejected

Why Does My Lender Keep Rejecting My Loan Modification Application. What Am I Doing Wrong? Homeowners call us on a regular basis befuddled and confused. They claim their lender keeps rejecting their loan modification application. They believe they qualify for a loan modification. Yet, the lender keeps rejecting their loan modification application. In some cases, […]

FAPA Is Facing

FAPA Is Facing Well Funded Legal Challenges From Wall Street

Attention New York Homeowners In Foreclosure: FAPA Is Facing Serious Legal Challenges From Deep Pocketed Wall Street Bankers. It has been a little over six months since the Foreclosure Abuse Prevention Act (FAPA) went into effect. As predicted when it was signed into law, FAPA is now facing serious legal challenges from deep pocketed Wall […]

New York Foreclosure Law

The New New York Foreclosure Law. Does It Help You?

The New New York Foreclosure Law Is Retroactive: What It Means To You If You Are Facing Foreclosure A new New York foreclosure law went into effect on January 1st. Governor Kathy Hochul signed the Foreclosure Abuse Prevention Act right before the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve. The new law takes effect immediately. […]

New York State Lawmakers

New York State Lawmakers Push 6-Year Statute Of Limitations

New York State Lawmakers Poised To Restore 6-Year Statute Of Limitations On Foreclosures Before The End Of The Session New York State lawmakers are pushing to restore the six-year statute of limitations on home foreclosures. Last year, New York courts also gave flexibility to lenders and their deadlines. The Foreclosure Abuse Prevention Act (FAPA) is […]

NYS Foreclosure Moratorium


WARNING! The NYS Foreclosure Moratorium Is Bullshit! Cuomo Is Blowing A Lot Of Hot Air The NYS foreclosure moratorium is nothing more than hot air coming out of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s mouth. The NYS foreclosure moratorium has no teeth and is as impendent as a Nevada Boxing Commissioner. As it turns out, Cuomo […]

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