MFI-Miami Was Featured in Mortgage Servicing News
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MFI-Miami Files Bar Complaint Against Orlans Associates
Evan Nemeroff, Mortgage Servicing News
MFI-Miami has filed a complaint with the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission against three attorneys from the law firm of Orlans Associates for attorney misconduct by committing conspiracy and fraud against a cancer victim.
The complaint alleges Marshall Isaacs knowingly filed fraudulent documents into the public record, Linda Orlans allowed one of her notaries to make false statements that they witnessed Isaacs signing an affidavit when he really did not authorize it, and Timothy Myers for perjury in the case of Lucas v. Orlans Associates and BAC Home Loan Servicing LP.
The Boynton Beach, Fla.-based mortgage fraud investigation company found that BAC Home Loan Servicing did not own the Lucas loan when they began the foreclosure of the property and issued a sheriff’s deed to Fannie Mae.
Orlans, representing the servicing company in the case, claimed that they maintained the right to transfer ownership to Fannie Mae with a sheriff’s deed in Benzie County, Mich. However, according to a public affidavit from February 2011 by the servicing company, the Lucas mortgage was assigned to Fannie Mae in 2005.
“The evidence suggests Orlans and Associates are using robo-signing to expedite the foreclosures for BAC Home Loan Servicing LP,” said Steve Dilbert, president of MFI-Miami.
MFI-Miami wants to conduct an investigation, with the permission of the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission, to see how Oakland County Circuit Judge Martha Anderson handled the case. Dilbert claims the judge “refused to hear key pieces of evidence of attorney misconduct committed by attorneys involved in the case.”
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