Steve Neuhaus

Steve Neuhaus And His Inner Circle Of Grifters And Perverts

Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus Has An Inner Circle  Filled With Grifters And Perverts Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus has a lot of questionable friends. He pals around with perverts like John Allegro and former Orange County GOP Chair Bob Krahulik.  Yet the most influential voice is grifter Taylor Sterling. Sterling is the current manager of […]

Steve Neuhaus

Why Is Taylor Sterling of WTBQ Running A Fake Charity?

Several Complaints Allege Charity Run By Taylor Sterling Of WTBQ Is A Scam WTBQ Station Manager Taylor Sterling aka Joy Taylor (one of her many names) likes to brag about her “Feeding Families” charity on the air. She also likes to drone on for hours about all the work she has done with food charities. The […]

Warwick Valley Rotary Club

Warwick Valley Rotary Club Expels Member For Protesting Nazi Group

Warwick Valley Rotary Club Expels Member For Protesting Speaker Giving “STOP THE JEWS!” Presentation To The Club On Yom Kippur The Warwick Valley Rotary Club appears to have stepped into a pile of deep trouble. The group has managed to piss off both Rotary International and the residents of the Warwick Valley at the same time.  […]

WTBQ Station Manager

Is WTBQ Station Manager Taylor Sterling’s Charity A Scam?

A Complaint With The New York AG’s Charities Bureau Alleges WTBQ Station Manager Taylor Sterling’s Non-Profit Is A Scam We received a few tips that question the legitimacy of WTBQ Station Manager Taylor Sterling’s charity. The tips came in after I posted an article about Sterling declaring bankruptcy while living La Vita Loca in Florida. Sterling aka […]

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