Student Loan Debt Statistics for 2017 Are Shocking

Student Loan Debt Statistics for 2017 Show Americans Are Burdened With Record Breaking Student Loan Debt  Student loan debt statistics show 44 million Americans owe over $1.4 trillion in student loan debt. The total debt is also more than double the $620 billion Americans owe on credit card debt. A Class of 2016 graduate has roughly $37,172 in student […]


Navient Busted Herding Student Loan Borrowers Into Default

Navient Busted Herding Student Loan Borrowers Into Default Then Using The Federal Government To Shake Them Down For Money Navient Corporation is the largest student loan servicer working under contract for Sallie Mae and the Department of Education. The servicer is also the most disorganized and the hardest to get information from. Their level of inept […]

student loan debt crisis

Pending Student Loan Debt Crisis Sets Off Alarms At Citibank

Citibank Sounds The Klaxon On Pending Student Loan Debt Crisis The pending student loan debt crisis is unnerving and it has all the same traits as the mortgage crisis. from a decade ago. Now a major player in the global financial markets is sounding alarms. Citi Global Perspectives & Solutions recently raises the specter to that […]

Student Loan Debt Collections

Student Loan Debt Collection Defense

Call In The Samurai Of Student Loan Debt Collection Defense Like the mortgage lenders before them, Student Loan Debt Collection agents have people convinced they can’t fight their student loan debt. Yet, MFI-Miami has again debunked the propaganda of sleaze from the Wall Street oligarchs. Just like we did with mortgage lenders. The only difference is […]

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren Contemplates Bitch Slapping Jamie Dimon

Jamie Dimon Tells Bankers He’s Unsure If Elizabeth Warren Understands Global Banking “The finance guys argue that if you’re never in the club, you can’t understand it, but I think they have it backward. Not being in the club means not drinking the Kool-Aid.” -Senator Elizabeth Warren   JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon […]

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