David Trott

Financial Terrorist David Trott’s Congressional Campaign Rakes in $425K in 30 Days

Donations Came From Trott’s Employees, Politicians And Others Who Feed Off The David Trott Gravy Train Of Foreclosure Fraud On Thursday, David Trott’s congressional campaign announced it has raised $425,000 in campaign donations from 270 individual contributors since the Trott announced his candidacy September 4th to unseat incumbent Kerry Bentivolio. Trott claims none of the […]


GOP Splinter Group Launches Stealth Attacks On Fraudclosure Kingpin David Trott

Snarky Website trottforforeclosure.com Exposes David Trott’s Tawdry Political Secrets   I first discovered trottforforeclosure.com last month when I began getting traffic from it. The anonymous creator of the site decided to post links to articles and excerpts of articles I wrote about David Trott and his foreclosure mill, Trott & Trott on MFI-Miami. For the record, neither MFI-Miami or […]

David Trott

It’s Official: Financial Terrorist David Trott Is Running For Congress

David Trott Attempted To Steal A Home From An American Hero And Treat A 101-Year Old Widow Like Trash Michigan Foreclosure King and Financial Terrorist David Trott who is also a major donor to the GOP has announced today he is running for the congress.  He intends to give current Tea Party Congressman Kerry Bentivolio a […]

Is Bank Of America Stomping On The Rights Of Hispanic Homeowners?

Bank of America Is Illegally Taking Angel Garcia’s Home And He’s Not Alone “This is like doing business with a praying mantis. You get seduced, and then eaten alive afterwards” -Steve Jobs American banks and American businesses have been stomping on the rights of Hispanic-Americans since the U.S. annexed what is now the American Southwest […]

Reagan Appointed Federal Judge Upholds MERS Tax Dodging Scheme In Michigan

Reagan Appointed Federal Judge Upholds MERS Tax Dodging Scheme In Michigan On Friday, Judge Robert Holmes Bell dismissed Ingham County Register of Deeds Curtis Hertel’s lawsuit seeking unpaid Michigan Real Estate Transfer Taxes on property being transferred in and out of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac with the use of the MERS database system. Holmes ruled […]

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