John Allegro

GOP Assembly Candidate John Allegro Asks A Woman To Rub His Anus

New York GOP Assembly Candidate John Allegro Asks Asian Woman To Rub His Anal Cavity MFI-Miami has acquired a disturbing video of New York Assembly candidate John Allegro asking an Asian woman to rub his anus. Allegro also mocked the woman’s Asian accent by responding to her questions with comments about his anus. Allegro also attempts to […]

United Monroe Cryptic Nazis

The United Monroe Cryptic Nazis Get Checkmated By The GOP

United Monroe Cryptic Nazis Get Checkmated By The NY GOP New York Republicans aren’t the only political group in the Hudson Valley facing serious hurdles this election cycle. The United Monroe Cryptic Nazis are having issues of their own. One of their members was slapped with a $950,000 defamation lawsuit. Donors have fled United Monroe in droves. […]

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