Queens Foreclosures

Stopping Queens Foreclosures

Stopping Queens Foreclosures With New York’s Produce the Note Law Foreclosure Laws In New York Make Fighting Queens Foreclosures Easy For the Right Team! New York law makes fighting Queens foreclosures easier than most states. Furthermore, state law ensures that the foreclosing party has the correct documents in place. New York law requires that the […]

South Florida Foreclosures

South Florida Foreclosures Are Skyrocketing

South Florida Foreclosures Are Skyrocketing Thanks To The Florida Supreme Court South Florida Foreclosures By Numbers A new study by Attom Data Solutions shows that South Florida foreclosures are skyrocketing.  Florida had one of the highest rates of foreclosure starts in the United States in August compared to the same period last year. The report shows one […]


Citigroup Slapped with $8.6 Million Fine From Federal Reserve

Citigroup Fined $8.6 Million By Federal Reserve For Robo-Signing Related Issues The Federal Reserve leveled an $8.6 million fine against CitiGroup on Friday. The Federal Reserve stated the fine was due to the “deficient execution and notarization of certain mortgage affidavits. The issue stems from Citigroup’s exit from the mortgage servicing business back in 2017. The […]

Westchester Residential Opportunities

Westchester Residential Opportunities Busted For Illegal Solicitations

New York Non-Profit Westchester Residential Opportunities Busted Poaching Clients From Attorneys White Plains-based housing non-profit Westchester Residential Opportunities is in hot water. WRO is being accused of illegally poaching clients by multiple lawyers.  New York foreclosure defense lawyers state their clients have been receiving letters and emails from WRO‘s Mortgage Default Director Veronica Raphael. A copy […]


Foreclosures Are Skyrocketing In These 12 Markets

Foreclosures Have Increased In These 12 Markets As The Number Of Foreclosures Fall Nationwide There has been a nationwide decline of 17% of foreclosures from April 2017. Yet, these real estate markets have bucked the trend and have seen in an increase of the number of foreclosures. Attom Data Solutions also claims the number of foreclosure filings has increased over […]

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