pending economic crisis

Pending Economic Crisis! Credit Card Defaults Hit 16 year High

Pending Economic Crisis Draws Closer! Banks In Panic Mode As Credit Card Defaults Hit A 16 Year High Banks are in panic mode as credit card defaults hit a 16 year high. Experts say the pending economic crisis that the rapidly approaching financial crisis has arrived to greet the new Trump Administration.  Americans are defaulting […]

Mortgage Rates Are Inching

Mortgage Rates Are Inching Toward 7 Percent

Mortgage Rates Are Inching Closer To 7%. Rates Are Up 13 BPS In Less Than 24 Hours. Is There Really A Recession Coming? Mortgage rates are inching closer to 7% and here is why. Economic data indicates that the economy has remained resilient. This is despite the Federal Reserve tightening monetary policy and raising rates.  […]

Federal Reserve Chair

Federal Reserve Chair Says A Double-Size Rate Hike Coming In May

Federal Reserve Chair Says A Double-Size Rate Hike Is On The Table In May. Thus, Making Mortgages, Car Loans, And Credit-Card Interest More Pricey. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said Thursday that the fed will soon issue a double-size rate hike. The central bank wants to ramp up its fight to cool inflation. The Fed’s […]

Federal Open Market Committee

Federal Open Market Committee Raises Interest Rates

Federal Open Market Committee Raises Interest Rates As The Country Recovers From The Covid-19 Pandemic. Fed Plan 6 More Rate Increases The Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time in four years. Thus, marking an end to the easy money that gave rise to the hottest mortgage […]

federal reserve

Federal Reserve Goes On A Mortgage Debt Shopping Spree

Federal Reserve Goes On A “Sex & The City” Style Shopping Spree For Mortgage Debt The Federal Reserve pledged on Monday to buy unlimited amounts of Treasuries and mortgage-backed bonds to stabilize the mortgage markets. The Fed hopes it will have the same effect as when it rescued the economy in 2008. The Federal Reserve set a […]

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