Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren Contemplates Bitch Slapping Jamie Dimon

Jamie Dimon Tells Bankers He’s Unsure If Elizabeth Warren Understands Global Banking “The finance guys argue that if you’re never in the club, you can’t understand it, but I think they have it backward. Not being in the club means not drinking the Kool-Aid.” -Senator Elizabeth Warren   JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon […]

Elizabeth Warren To Wall Street Thugs, “Bring It On, Bitches!”

Elizabeth Warren And Wall Street Banks Esculate War of Words   Last week, Bank of America, Citigroup, J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs held a secret meeting discussing the possibility of withholding campaign contributions to Democrats in key races next year because of Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren’s push for stricter financial reform and for several banks […]

Wall Street To Senate Dems: Silence Elizabeth Warren

As Elizabeth Warren’s Popularity Grows, Wall Street Execs Threaten To Withhold Money From Dems My grandfather was a retired beat cop and he used to tell me, “If people aren’t bitching, it means you’re not doing your job.” If that is the case, then Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren must be doing an awesome job for […]

Why Wasn’t Jamie Dimon Given The Bum’s Rush By The NY Fed?

Like A Party Guest That Won’t Leave, Jamie Dimon Finally Leaves New York Fed Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Six months after being shown the door, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has finally left the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. In May, a fierce debate erupted within the NY Fed about […]

Harvard Elitists Think They’re So Smart. Oh, Really?

Harvard Elitists Say, Hey, Look at me! I’m blogging! I’m somebody! Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami There is one thing in this world that annoys me more than idiot lawyers and idiot politicians, it’s Harvard alumni and former Harvard faculty types.  I think it may be their over inflated sense of self-worth and pompous arrogance from walking […]

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