David Trott

It’s Official: Financial Terrorist David Trott Is Running For Congress

David Trott Attempted To Steal A Home From An American Hero And Treat A 101-Year Old Widow Like Trash Michigan Foreclosure King and Financial Terrorist David Trott who is also a major donor to the GOP has announced today he is running for the congress.  He intends to give current Tea Party Congressman Kerry Bentivolio a […]

BofA Solves Liquidity Problem By Circumventing National Mortgage Settlement

BofA Is Circumventing National Mortgage Settlement By Selling Servicing Rights To Unregulated Servicers   “Are you aware of the fact that your bank is turning its customers over to a processor that based on the complaints posted appears to not only lack basic competency but also poor customer service? Many of the complaints are former BofA customers, […]

Is JPMorgan Chase Provoking A “Ruby Ridge” Standoff?

Alleged Illegal Foreclosure By JPMorgan Chase Against Vet Could Destroy Dimon’s Chances Of Becoming Treasury Secretary After a decade of countless covert incursions behind enemy lines and serving in Operation Desert Storm as a Green Beret, Jeff Reed and his wife decided to settle down far away from military life, the chaos of the big cities […]

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