
Three Sinister Schemes Creditors Will Use To Screw You

Three Sinister Schemes Creditors Will Use To Screw You And Keep You In Debt Banks and creditors are always trying to figure out a way to make money. One way is to keep you buried in debt. Nothing says long-term customer than one who owes you money. One of the first things you learn in […]


This is Huge! 6th US District COA Rules Foreclosures Fall Under FDCPA

Says Foreclosure Mills Must Comply With FDCPA Using common sense and basic rules of statutory construction, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that foreclosures were indeed about the collection of money and therefore fall under the Federal Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) especially if the loan is a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac loan. In […]

MFI-Miami In Talks With Black Panthers To Help Battle Illegal Eviction By Taxpayer Owned Fannie Mae

Eviction Battle Over Inner-City Teacher Could Get Dicey For Bailed Out GSE If Black Panthers Get Involved Detroit, MI –On January 16, 2013, Steve Dibert, President of MFI-Miami, an internationally recognized leader in investigating mortgage fraud, announced that MFI-Miami is in talks with the Detroit Chapter of the New Black Panther Nation/New Marcus Garvey Movement […]

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