Tea Party Ignorance

Will Tea Party Ignorance Force Detroit’s BK To Drag Out For Years?

Spineless GOP’s Refusal To Reign In Tea Party Ignorance Jeopardizes Court System   It’s common knowledge that Republican members of Congress are so afraid of the Tea Party Ignorance and its movement. The Tea Party groups that are holding them political hostage. The problem with the Tea Party ignorance is that not only do they […]

1st Circuit COA

Debt-Ridden Car Salesman Turned Congressman Lectures About Importance Of Balanced Budget

Car Salesman Turned Congressman Roger Williams Can’t Seem to Balance The Budget For His Business Car salesman turned congressman Roger Williams (R-TX) insisted that companies and individuals must balance their budgets “every single day.” Williams lectured Americans during a day-long hearing about Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) spending plan with the House Budget Committee. Ryan claims that the […]

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