Hey Congress, Governing Is Not Like An Episode Of Star Trek

You Are Not There To Play Star Trek’s Captain Kirk “Politics is Hollywood for ugly people” -Paul Begala Anyone who has ever watched the television show Star Trek more than few times knows the formula for a good Star Trek episode goes something like this, the crew of the Enterprises finds themselves in a predicament […]

Freeloading Homeowners Who Plan To Vote For Romney…

Freeloading Homeowners Should Invest In Some Plywood and Cardboard If He Wins Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Since the U.S. Presidential race has heated up after Labor Day, All I’ve heard from the so-called foreclosure activist crowd is that they are all voting for Romney or the Libertarian candidate former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson. There are […]

It’s Time For Hate Mail Monday!

I Love The 1st Amendment and My Hate Mail Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami WOW! Did I get bombarded with drama and hate mail last week.   My article  about business owners demanding their employees vote for Mitt Romney generated some interesting responses from nutty right-wingers: “this article is written in great bias and Prejudiceadd taken out of […]

Pro-Romney Business Owners Threaten Employees

Pro-Romney Business Owners Threaten Employees Is A Clear Sign WASP Domination Of America Is Coming To An End Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami In a June conference call hosted by the National Federation of Independent Businesses, Mitt Romney encouraged business owners to discuss the  upcoming election with their employees and to proudly proclaim to them that they were supporting […]

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