Caliber Home Loans Busted Selling Private Information To  Convicted Kiddie Porn Peddler & Peeping Tom

caliber home loansMFI-Miami has discovered Caliber Home Loans is selling private loan information to convicted sex offenders. We discovered this quite by accident and because Caliber Home Loans and the sex offender dropped the ball.

Last week, we received a solicitation letter addressed to our client, Mary from Serenity Financial Serves in California. Mary is in active foreclosure litigation with Lone Star Funds with Caliber Home Loans is servicing the loan.

Lone Star Funds has a 50% stake in Caliber Home Loans.

The solicitation letter also contained specific information about Mary’s loan. 

The letter came to MFI-Miami’s mailing address where Caliber mails Mary’s monthly mortgage statements and loan modification offers. So we know Serenity Financial Services got Mary’s information either directly or indirectly from Caliber.

MFI-Miami did an investigation on Mary’s loan in 2015. Caliber Home Loans has been sending us her mortgage statements ever since even after we have continually asked them to send them to her. After all, they have her address and are trying to kick her out of her house.

Caliber Home Loans Sells Client Information To A Sham Company 

Caliber Home Loans
Johnny Guy Leyva aka John Leyva’s 2011 mugshot.

I wrote about Serenity Financial Services on Friday. They are the company who sent Mary the solicitation letter. They claimed Mary qualified for a loan modification under a government program called the Making Homes Affordable Program. 

The reference to Making Homes Affordable Program was a sign the letter was a scam. There is no program called Making Homes Affordable Program. There was the Home Affordable Modification Program or HAMP.  The HAMP program expired at 11:59 pm on December 31, 2016.

The letter also contained the HAMP logo and there was no address on the letter only toll-free number that went to Serenity Financial services in California.

It turns out, Serenity Financial Services is a scam. Serenity is not licensed nor are they incorporated in the state of California.

They also don’t have an NMLS number. California also requires an NMLS number if you operate a negotiate loan modifications.

Caliber Home Loans Sells Client Information To Kiddie Porn Peddler And Peeping Tom

Caliber Home LoansIt also turns out Serenity Financial’s owner John Leyva has a history of peddling kiddie porn.

Leyva pleaded guilty to two felonies involving child pornography in May of 2000. 

In July of 2001, Leyva pleaded guilty to child pornography possession and distribution.

Leyva also pleaded guilty to failing to register as a sex offender in January of 2007.

Leyva is also a peeping tom. He was convicted in 2011 for video recording a woman undressing in a Mission Viejo tanning salon.

According to Mission Viejo Patch:

A 25-year-old woman told police she undressed around 10:30 Monday night. As she lay down, preparing for the tan, she noticed two hands over an adjoining 8-foot wall.

She then confronted the man with the camera. The man eventually played the video for the woman and deleted images of her.

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