How Phony Foreclosure Advocates Like Dave Krieger and Neil Garfield Peddle False Hope And A False Sense Of Empowerment
Dave Krieger and Neil Garfield are two of the phony foreclosure advocates in the US.
David Krieger and his book, Clouded Titles and Neil Garfield and his Living Lies website peddle nothing more than Rich Dad/Poor Dad style self-help boilerplate garbage. They market it desperate and financially ignorant homeowners.
Steve Dibert also discussed why Dave Krieger’s report for Osceola County was a waste of tax money. The report relies on outdated and debunked legal arguments and conspiracy theories. The report also misrepresents Florida law.
Steve Dibert also exposed how phony how foreclosure advocates are not mortgage experts. They also lack the litigation experience necessary to have any credibility.
David Krieger would never be recognized by the courts as a witness. He was convicted of mortgage fraud in 1997.
Phony Foreclosure Advocates Like Neil Garfield Peddle False Hope
There are many phony foreclosure advocates preying on desperate homeowners. However, Neil Garfield is the most popular. Garfield is a Florida attorney and self-proclaimed Foreclosure Expert. He holds seminars across the country for lawyers and Pro-Se litigants helping them fight foreclosures.
Neil Garfield was an Economist and an Accountant according to his biography. On his website, he claims to be a “Chairman Emeritus” of a consortium of financial service companies. He also claims to be the “ultimate insider” on Wall Street. Yet, he never mentions which companies he has worked with or the positions he held. The state of Florida also has no license on file for him being an accountant.
If Neil Garfield was a Wall Street “Insider,” he was like Lon Chaney aka The Man of Thousand Faces. Friends of mine in the finance media claim they had never heard of him until he started doing seminars.
Garfield was a probate lawyer in Florida from 1977 until 1993. He also admits he has not done any litigation work since then.
Neil Garfield preaches:
Homeowners can walk into a foreclosure hearing and walk out owning their house free and clear. –Page 5, Garfield Continuum Handbook
Phony Foreclosure Advocates Also Clog Up The Courts
Janet, John, and Steve also discussed how phony foreclosure advocates have created a problem in judicial foreclosure states. They have unleashed an army of Pro Se litigants onto the courts. They have clogged the courts using theories they barely understand.
Pro-Se litigants lack not only legal expertise but lending expertise. They also fail to learn or obey court procedure. Many of them go into court trying to argue constitutional law or TILA. They soon find themselves summarily dismissed by a judge. They also set a bad legal precedent hurting the people who know what they are doing.
The three also discussed how the Jesinoski ruling by the United States Supreme Court. Jesinoski only applies to about less than 1% of the refinanced mortgages. This is contrary to the propaganda put out by phony foreclosure advocates.
Steve explained you don’t get a free house if you make a successful claim for rescission. It only applies to mortgages that were refinanced. As a result, Homeowners making successful recission arguments have to reimburse the lender for the previous loan that was paid off. Steve also said that contrary to what Neil Garfield says, you have to make your claim within three years of the closing date (four years if you live in Massachusetts). You can not make a claim after that.
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