Will Osceola County Foreclosure Reviews Lead To A Crackdown Or Be Brushed Under the Rug?

At the beginning of the year, Osceola County Clerk of the Courts in suburban Orlando began doing foreclosure reviews of mortgage and foreclosure filings. The review was looking for fraudulent paperwork filed by lenders and foreclosure mills.
Apparently, Clerk Armando Ramirez’s office has accumulated 800 mortgage-related filings that appear to be fraudulent. These files have been turned over to the State Attorney’s office for further review.
The Clerk has no legal authority to sue the individuals or entities involved in the filing or to invalidate the document. The Clerk’s job is not to play taxpayer-funded CSI-Miami type mortgage fraud enforcement bureau that hunts down suspected mortgage fraudsters. Hunting down fraudsters is the job for law enforcement or the prosecutor’s office not the Clerk of the Court. So that leads to the question, will the State Attorney’s Office in Osceola County actually do something with the information obtained by the Clerk’s Office?
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