Judge Tells Squatter Ted Visner He Has No Right To Fight For His Love Shack And Must Leave

Isabella County Judge Eric Janes has denied an idiotic motion by angry Wing Nut and Squatter Ted Visner. Visner requested a full public hearing on his eviction. 

Judge Janes signed an order on on Monday granting Bank of America the right to evict Squatter Ted Visner from the property. Visner is currently sharing with his live-in girlfriend, Danielle Austin.


Visner received help from Actions For Justice (AXJ). AXJ was founded by an Australian kiddie porn collector.

Squatter Ted Visner filed a nonsensical brief on behalf of Kathy Smith “and all other unknown occupants,” containing a diarrhea of fonts. The brief also gives the appearance that he and AXJ cut and pasted passages off the internet. 

Judge Janes agreed with Bank of America’s attorney and every other sane person in Michigan. Ted Visner was nothing more than a squatter living in the property once owned by Kathy Smith.

Ted Visner has no standing to fight the foreclosure or the eviction. He is not and never was the mortgagor. Nor was he the ever on the deed.

Only Kathy Smith can claim she is the mortgagor under Michigan law.

The rights of a mortgagor do not apply to boyfriends or tenants if the mortgagor is not residing in the house.

Squatter Ted Visner is unable to make the claim that the property is a marital home. Smith owned the property prior meeting him. 

Visner filed a motion with the court stating Kathy Smith does not reside in the house. She lives at 110 East Main Street, Edmore, MI.

Edmore is one county over in Montcalm County. Squatter Ted Visner even admits in his blog, he is currently shacking up in Smith’s house with his live-in girlfriend, Danielle Austin. Austin who had her children taken away from her by the state.

Ted Visner Claims His Interpretation Of The Law Is The Only Law That Matters

The state of Michigan considers Ted Visner: 

A violent person with the potential for some great violence.

Judge Janes also ruled that Squatter Ted Visner:

 Failed to demonstrate a palpable error by which this court, and the parties have been misled and did not show that a different disposition must result from correction of the error.

Janes dismissed Action For Justice’s involvement in the case. According to Susan Field of the Morning Sun:

Janes said in the three-page opinion that AXJ is a “non-party that has filed a motion in this matter, but lacks the standing to do so, having failed to first file an Application to Intervene in this matter in accordance with Michigan Law.

AXJ of Michigan also does not appear to licensed under Michigan law as a law firm or an LLC. 

Squatter Ted Visner claims on a self-authored AXJ forum that he plans on appealing the eviction in federal court.

Visner writes on his Facebook page:

Tomorrow morning we will be in the federal court to obtain a (TRO) Temporary Restraining Order against the county and its different departments including the sheriff department...Secret hearings are UNCONSTITUTIONAL and their fruits tainted and unenforceable.

There were no secret meetings. The judge took it under advisement. This means he wanted time to look at the case. Court rules don’t require the judge to call the parties into a courtroom to announce a ruling.

Visner Wants To Convince A Federal Judge Of Secret Star Chambers In Michigan

Squatter Ted Visner is also assuming he can convince a federal judge he does have standing. In addition, Visner feels he can convince a federal judge that Judge Janes held secret Star Chamber hearings:

Alleged plaintiff Bank of America ( BOA ) did not prove to the Court that it had “standing” to initiate any such foreclosure proceeding, nor Eviction Hearing, nor Order of Eviction simply because it is unknown to anyone how the contracts signed by thenow-defunctt Countrywide Home Loans ( CHL ), were ever legally transferred to Bank of America ( BOA ).

Squatter Ted Visner Apparently Lives In His Own Reality

This goes back to Visner’s claims he fell behind due to “Countrywide going out of business” and the “fraudulent conveyance of the mortgage from Countrywide to BOA”

Squatter Ted Visner writes:

 Countrywide claimed to have sold our construction loan to Bank of America and also claimed that BOA would fund the remainder of our home’s completion. Instead, Countrywide sold our loan to BOA as a fully conventional and fully conforming loan rather than the partially funded construction loan that it was, leaving us holding the bag with a partial home that we could not sell, refinance, insure or finish.

This is not even remotely true. When Bank of America legally acquired Countrywide Financial in 2007, Visner’s construction loan went with it. It is highly also unlikely that Bank of America altered the terms of the mortgage. Kathy Smith would also need to sign new documents. 

Smith did sign a post construction period modification in November of 2008. What Bank of America did is referred to as Operation of Law

Ted Visner has also claimed that:

Loan modifications do not exist for construction loans and our home owner’s insurance shot up to over $7,000 per month making it instantly unavailable. With a partially completed home that we could not sell, refinance etc., we were also ineligible for any type of loan modification.

In this case, it appears Countrywide gave Smith an additional six months to complete construction.

Ted Visner has a ten year history of alleged anger management issues and owns a cache of weapons. He has also posted videos promising an epic gun battle between him with various law enforcement agencies. Visner fantasizes about a scenario that ends with him martyring himself in a “Bundy Ranch shoot out.” Visners believes his martyrdom will trigger a revolution tp overthrow the corrupt tyranny of the federal government. He also believes the revolution will trickle down to the the state of Michigan and Isabella County. 

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