banker indictments

Is The Lack Of Banker Indictments Because Of OJ Simpson?

Lack Of Banker Indictments Are Because The Government Is Afraid Of An OJ Simpson Style Trial Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Since I started MFI-Miami, I have heard from thousands of people who are appalled by the fact that no one has been convicted in the financial crisis for mortgage servicing fraud, robo-signing, filing false documents, foreclosure […]

illegal foreclosures

Florida Firm Eyes Illegal Foreclosures

Florida Firm MFI-Miami Eyes Illegal Foreclosures ICYMI – MFI-Miami was profiled in National Mortgage News about illegal foreclosures in Florida National Mortgage News January 26, 2009 January 30, 2009 Copyright 2009 SourceMedia, Inc. Jennifer Harmon WEST PALM BEACH, FL-MFI-Miami here, a mortgage fraud investigation and forensic auditing firm, said it is launching an investigation against […]

Wall Street

Wall Street says Hey, Main Street We’re Taking Your Jobs!

Wall Street Traders Tell Main Street To Quit Complaining  One of my contacts on Wall Street sent me a copy of this email that has been floating around. Let me know if anyone knows who wrote this. I want to hire them as a writer for this site. I like their in-your-face style! To Main Street […]

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