Select Portfolio Servicing Cranking

Select Portfolio Servicing Cranking Up New York Foreclosures

Select Portfolio Servicing Cranking Up New York Foreclosures And New Yorkers Are Feeling It! Call 888.737.6344 Before It’s Too Late! Select Portfolio Servicing is cranking up New York foreclosures and its most noticeable in the tri-state area. Therefore, MFI-Miami has teamed up with several law firm to create a New York foreclosure defense team. The […]

Select Portfolio Servicing Ramping

Select Portfolio Servicing Ramping Up Chicagoland Foreclosures

Select Portfolio Servicing Ramping Up Chicagoland Foreclosures. Call 888.737.6344 Before It’s Too Late! Select Portfolio Servicing is ramping up foreclosures in the Chicagoland area. Therefore, MFI-Miami has teamed up with the WeissOrtiz law firm to create a Chicagoland foreclosure defense team. The team’s focus will solely be on helping homeowners develop strategies to help you […]

sps covid19 foreclosure defense

SPS COVID19 Foreclosure Defense Hotline: Call 888.737.6344

The SPS COVID19 Foreclosure Defense Hotline Helps You Fight Select Portfolio Servicing Foreclosures! Call 888.737.6344 MFI-Miami has created an SPS COVID19 Foreclosure Defense Hotline to put you in touch with our Select Portfolio Servicing foreclosure defense team. The team’s focus is solely on helping homeowners develop strategies to fight SPS!  We are also the only […]

select portfolio

Select Portfolio Servicing Caves! Walks Away

Select Portfolio Servicing Voluntarily Dismisses Foreclosure Case With Prejudice Against MFI-Miami Client MFI-Miami client Eliaquin Ortega scored a decisive victory against Select Portfolio Servicing. Attorney Claudio Cedrez-Pellegrino successfully argued MFI-Miami’s findings that led to victory in the case. MFI-Miami found that the MBS Trust (Multiclass Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Chaseflex Trust Series 2007-M1) did not have legal standing […]

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