Bronx Foreclosure Settlement Conferences

Bronx Foreclosure Settlement Conferences

Bronx Foreclosure Settlement Conferences Can Save Your Home New York law requires mediation to assist borrowers to avoid foreclosure. Bronx Foreclosure Settlement Conferences allow borrowers a face-to-face meeting with their lender. Homeowners can also benefit even if they can’t afford to keep their homes. What Are Bronx Foreclosure Settlement Conferences? Typical Bronx foreclosure settlement conferences […]

bronx foreclosure defenses

Best Bronx Foreclosure Defenses

Best Bronx Foreclosure Defenses: New York’s Produce the Note Law Foreclosure Laws In New York Allow For Stronger Bronx Foreclosure Defenses  New York law allows for strong Bronx foreclosure defenses. Furthermore, state law ensures that the foreclosing party has the correct documents in place. New York law requires that the foreclosing party “produce the note” […]

Bronx Foreclosure Defense

Bronx Foreclosure Defense Team Hits Home Runs Out Of The Ball Park MFI-Miami has created the most aggressive Bronx foreclosure defense team New York has ever seen! We are the only foreclosure and mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge any Wall Street lender in a Bronx or New York courtroom. Our competitors show off […]

Shellpoint Mortgage

Why Is Shellpoint Mortgage Jerking Around A 9/11 First Responder?

Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing And A Bankster Law Firm Plan To Evict 9/11 First Responder After Nationstar Initiated An Illegally Foreclosure Executives at Shellpoint Mortgage will probably never forgotten where they were the morning of September 11, 2001. The jumbo jets flying into the Twin Towers are permanently etched in our minds. We also remember the […]

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