Illegal SCRA Foreclosure Alert: Combat Vet Gets $125,000 In Damages

PHH Settles With Oregan Combat Veteran Jacob McGreevey For $125,000 In Illegal SCRA Foreclosure Case Marine Jacob McGreevey discovered he had been a victim of an illegal SCRA foreclosure when he returned to his Oregan home after four years in Afghanistan and Iraq war zones. Last week, the Marine won. PHH Mortgage last week agreed to […]

scra foreclosure

Retired Marine Prevails In SCRA Foreclosure Battle

Disabled US Marine Jacob McGreevey Finally Prevails In 8 Year SCRA Foreclosure Battle With PHH Mortgage Disabled Marine veteran Jacob McGreevey has finally won his SCRA Foreclosure case against PHH. McGreevey is not only getting justice for himself but for as many as two-dozen other military veterans. The former Marine fought a long and unsuccessful […]


Disabled US Marine Takes On PHH Mortgage And Trump Administration

Disabled US Marine Jacob McGreevey Fights PHH Mortgage And Their Trump Allies In Washington To Reclaim His Illegally Foreclosed Home PHH Mortgage apparently had no idea how badly they screwed the pooch with one single decision in 2010. In that one moment, some nameless manager at PHH Mortgage made the decision to foreclose on Jacob McGreevey. The McGreevey foreclosure would come back to haunt PHH Mortgage. The foreclosure […]


Pssst…Hey Mac, You Wanna Know A Secret On How To Delay Your Foreclosure?

Piss Off The Foreclosure Mill, Delay Your Foreclosure The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or CFPB has a website to stop a foreclosure. Most homeowners don’t know about the site. It allows you to file a complaint against your mortgage lender or mortgage servicer. It also allows you to file a complaint against the servicer’s attorney. […]

Mitch McConnell To Consumers: Screw You!

This Explains Why Data Shows A Liberal Hollywood Actress Is Out Polling Mitch McConnell Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is at it again.   He sent a letter to President Barack Obama vowing to again block Richard Cordray or any CFPB nominee until Congress can pass a bill taking control of the agency. “As supporters of strong […]

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