Florida Woman

Florida Woman Used Pandemic Relief Loan To Pay For Hit On TSA Agent

Florida Woman Used $15,000 Pandemic Relief Loan To Bankroll A Hit On TSA Agent Who Stole Her Boyfriend Homestead, Florida Police have arrested a Florida woman for allegedly using a $15,000 PPP loan to hire a hitman. Jasmine Martinez hired the hitman to murder the 24-year-old TSA Agent Le’Shonte Jones. Martinez claimed Jones stole her […]

California death row inmates

California Death Row Inmates Pull Off $140 Million Pandemic Relief Scam

133 California Death Row Inmates Receive $140 Million By Filing 35,000 Bogus Pandemic Unemployment Benefit Claims  California prosecutors allege more than 133 California death row inmates received more than $140 million in pandemic unemployment benefit claims. The inmate scam was widespread and included inmates from the state’s 38 prisons between March and August this year […]

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