Aggressive Queens Foreclosure Defense

Aggressive Queens Foreclosure Defense That Works!

Aggressive Queens Foreclosure Defense That Brings Queens Foreclosure Defense To A New Level MFI-Miami has created the most aggressive Queens foreclosure defense team Queens county has ever seen! We are the only aggressive Queens foreclosure defense and mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge any Wall Street lender in a Queens or New York […]

Nassau County Foreclosure Defense

Nassau County Foreclosure Defense

The Only Nassau County Foreclosure Defense Team That Has Beaten Wall Street MFI-Miami has created the most aggressive Nassau County foreclosure defense team New York has ever seen! We are the only foreclosure and mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge any Wall Street lender in Nassau County or New York courtroom. Our competitors […]

Queens Foreclosures Skyrocket

Queens Foreclosures Skyrocket In First Quarter Of 2019

Queens Foreclosures Skyrocket In First Three Months of 2019 Queens Foreclosures Skyrocket! should be the headline of a recent report by Property Shark. Property Shark found that Queens is seeing a spike in foreclosures. Southeast Queens neighborhoods seem to be the hardest hit. PropertyShark recently released their Residential Foreclosure Report for Q1 2019. New York City […]

Deutsche Bank Traders

Former Deutsche Bank Traders Convicted In LIBOR Manipulation Scheme

Two Deutsche Bank Traders Convicted For Manipulating LIBOR Index The federal government convicted two Deutsche Bank Traders in New York last week. The government accused the two traders from Deutsche Bank’s Pool Trading Desk of participating in a scheme to manipulate the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). The LIBOR Index is a critical global benchmark tied to […]

Blowhard Bill Schuette

Blowhard Bill Schuette Campaign Stunt Blows Up In His Face

Blowhard Bill Schuette Whines About Blight But Ignored Complaints From Thousands Of Victims Of Foreclosure Abuse Committed By His Contributors Who Caused The Blight Michigan Gubernatorial candidate Blowhard Bill Schuette is a brilliant guy when it comes to exploiting the work of others for his political gain. Schuette has made it the cornerstone of his […]

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